Save the Lake!
Photo Courtesy of the North Berrien Historical Society.
77-Acre Farm
PPLF has purchased the 77-acre property and is now carrying out the revegetation process!
At the end of September, the 77 Acre Farm was planted with Oats and Radishes as a cover crop for Fall and Winter.
Late winter PPLF and the US Fish and Wildlife Service will “Scatter Seed” the farm with wildflower mix.
Why Wildflowers?
Improving soil health: Wildflowers help to hold nutrients in the soil, prevent erosion, and improve water quality.
Their root systems, along with those of other grassland plants, extend deep into the soil, storing water and nutrients and holding on to carbon that would otherwise be released into the air.​​
Two-Level Drain – COMPLETED!
Funded by your generous contributions, and in partnership with the Paw Paw Lake Association, and Coloma & Watervliet SAD, PPLF has completed installing a Two-Level Drain at the Branch and Derby Intercountry Drain.
What is a Two-Level Drain?
“Two-level drains,” or “flood shelves,” improve runoff by creating flood benches, reducing erosion, and promoting sediment deposition.
Two-level drains occur naturally in floodplain areas and can also be constructed or enlarged, by excavating the area around it into an existing open-channel waterway, re-shaping the banks, and re-establishing vegetation in the area. The resulting flood bench is slightly higher than the normal water surface but lower than the surrounding area.
What Does This Mean for Paw Paw Lake? ​
This two-level drain project will provide numerous benefits to our local ecosystem and the water quality of Paw Paw Lake
When rain and runoff cause the Branch and Derby drain to rise, this two-stage ditch will give the runoff from the surrounding areas a place to slow and spread out. The water then loses its potential to erode the existing ditch and deposits suspended sediment flowing from upstream.
Additionally, flood benches create great habitats for various grasses and other plants that support the local ecosystem, stabilize the stream bank, and filter suspended material out of the storm water which would otherwise flow into Paw Paw Lake.
The result is cleaner, clearer water flowing downstream into our lake.
The Bottom Line
This drain will help stop the main contributor of runoff into Paw Paw Lake.
Special Thanks
This project has been made possible through a co-funding agreement with the Paw Paw Lake Foundation, Paw Paw Lake Association and the Coloma and Watervliet SAD. Thank you to all of our donors for their continued financial support of the Paw Paw Lake Foundation in its mission to improve the water quality of Paw Paw Lake.
Key Strategy 1: Improvement of Water Quality
Goal 1: Establish a Continuous Measurement Program
Appoint a chairperson and committee charged with the responsibility of establishing a long term PPL measurement program that includes:
2. Retain the services of appropriate professionals to conduct regular sampling procedures and reports.
E.g. Hire Wally Fuslier, the Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program, and/or the LaMotte Self Testing Program.
3. Develop standard reporting format on an annual basis
4. Determine key water quality measures, select measurement locations and timetable
E.g. Test key drains: Little Paw Paw Lake, Branch Derby, Sherwood, Smith-Strong, Kelly and Forest Beach.
5. The Committee will develop its action and reporting plans and present to the Board June 5, 2005
Goal 2: Reduce nutrients
Implement the installation of sediment basins along and near the Branch-derby drain.
Identify targeted nutrients based on Measurement Program
Determine appropriate reduction actions
E.g. -Determine highest indices for appropriate reduction
-Develop filters to remediate
Identity locations of nutrient enrichment into the Branch-derby Drain by upstream farms and orchards.
Develop and implement an Anti-Lawn Fertilizer program to motivate property homeowners to reduce phosphate deposits.
Goal 3: Reduce bottom sediment
Map lake bottom and measure deepest sediment locations.
Establish key sediment measurement locations
Conduct core sampling in areas of high concentration
Measure and analyze sediment
Determine and analyze options for implementation of spot removal of sediment.
Explore costs and funding for implementation of spot sediment removal.
Evaluate potential remedies with outside vendors.
Implement a spot sediment removal program
Goal 4: Identify the Paw Paw Lake watershed (drainage basin)
Research existing data that maps the PPL watershed.
E.g. Contact government agencies for help with determining the existing watershed.
Identify and map storm drains.
Determine the estimated water flow from all County drains
Determine other rivers or steams that add to the PPL watershed and quantify their input.
Calculate flush rate
Key Strategy 2: Preservation and improvement of wetlands
Goal 1: Map and evaluate PPL wetlands
Identify and map all existing PPL wetlands
(Consider use of consultant to map watershed as well as wetlands)
Determine key measures of wetlands health and establish an evaluation process
Site visits to all to conduct an evaluation of their effectiveness.
Analyze findings and present recommendations to Board for restoration or enhancement
Goal 2: Restore and Enhance high impact wetlands
Research alternative methods for restoring/enhancing wetlands
Develop plans to reactivate inactive wetlands.
Develop estimated costs for each and prioritize
Develop list of “top 20” from above study​
- Return wetlands to previously existing natural condition from a disturbed or totally altered state.
To be determined after Goal 1 has been initiated
Goal 3: Wetland Creation
1. Research possible locations, costs, and feasibility for new wetland creation.
2. Convert an area that was historically upland into a wetland.
Key Strategy 3: Protection against infestation
Goal 1: Reduce Eurasian Milfoil
Explore ways to eliminate, reduce, or control density.
Develop reduction program
Establish a long-term program to measure reduction.
Create a marketing program to inform lake community and to obtain support and participation
Goal 2: Prevent Zebra Mussel Infestation
Conduct annual testing and evaluation of Zebra Mussel presence.
Continue and improve community awareness program.
E.g.Distribute information about zebra mussels to lake community, signage at launch sites, solicit assistance of DEQ or other appropriate agencies to educate all lake users about zebra mussels
Goal 3: Eliminate Purple Loosestrife
Implement an awareness program to inform all lake residents about Purple Loose Strife and gain support and participation
Identify all locations on PPL.
Conduct an eradication campaign.
E.g. establish an annual Purple Loosestrife week.
4. Monitor elimination of infestation.
Goal 4: Reduce presence of seagulls.
Research the problem/methods through other organizations. E.g. Check if any government agencies monitor seagull counts other lake associations, environmental groups.
Determine sources
Evaluate options.
Develop and implement a reduction program.
Key Strategy 4: Develop a broad base of financial support from the community.
Goal 1: Develop a comprehensive Community Communications Plan that promotes PPLF’s Mission, Strategies, Goals, and Accomplishments
E.g. Prepare a “State of the Lake” Annual report, media coverage, brochures, etc.
Goal 2: Increase the percent of lakeside residents who contribute to PPLF efforts
Appoint a committee to focus on this goal
Establish measurements for success.
Develop a list of lakefront property owners; contributors and non-contributors
Develop and conduct an annual fund raising campaign that includes:
-personal contact fundraising
-events fundraising
Goal 3: Increase the per cent of recreational users who contribute to PPLF.
Appoint a committee to focus on this goal
Establish measurements for success.
Develop and implement a plan
-Develop some sort of vehicle that will solicit support at the public launch sites.
-Contact local “fishing clubs” and ask for their financial support
-Identify bass tournament sponsors for support
-Provide information about the foundation to area marinas and merchants
-Post foundation information at public boat ramps and other high visibility sites.
Goal 4: Increase support from community businesses
Appoint a committee to focus on this goal
Establish measurements for success.
Develop and implement a plan
-Appoint a committee to focus on the goal.
-Develop “approved” PPLF merchant list and Publish annually to membership.
-Sell PPLF supporter ID for merchant locations.
-Develop LOGO for merchants to use in their advertisements and store signage
-Identify businesses that profit from Paw Paw Lake and develop system to publicize them and support them.
-Develop a marketing communication targeted to community businesses
Goal 5: Seek support from environmental, government, or other organizations
Appoint a committee to focus on this goal
Establish measurements for success.
Develop and implement a plan
-Identify potential supporters.
-Continue to actively seek grants on County, State and Federal levels for all projects pertaining to Paw Paw Lake and its watershed.
-Contact organizations that are potential supporters to explore possibilities
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Initial discussions regarding solutions include land prep for planting potentially creating valleys, berms and ponds slowing, filtering, storing and recharging water (instead of sending directly into the drain and into Paw Paw Lake).
Additional projects under consideration requiring funding
• Dredging lake of dead weeds that have sunk to the bottom and are creating phosphorous
• Dredging of sediment pond at M -140 and Hagar Shore Road
• Install a 300 foot “two stage ditch” into the B&D Drain at S/W side Hagar Shore & PPL Road to reduce a serious sediment erosion problem that flows into Paw Paw Lake
• Revegetate the Branch & Derby Drain banks with bioengineering consisting of native shoreline perennial plantings.
For additional project information, view our full presentation:
Click here for the By-Laws of PPLF:
Successful Initiatives
Two projects have recently been completed: a new sediment basin in one of the Berrien County drains and a new sediment barrier on a large upstream farm property.
Additionally, PPLF successfully executed the Paw Paw Lake Catch Basin Clean-Out Pilot Project, raising $25,000 and funding a catch basin identification program and pilot structure clean-out project.164 catch basins were evaluated and cleaned out, approx. 75 cubic yards of waste was removed and disposed of, and an average of 33 structures were cleaned-out per day resulting over the course of 5 days. Catch basin evaluations revealed that 4 catch basins needed immediate attention and 12 others need attention in the immediate future.
The impact of these PPLF initiatives are confirmed. The sediment load in the drain water has been reduced due to the effectiveness of the sediment basin. The sediment barrier also was a successful temporary solution in reducing the sediment dump from the farm property.
Water Fowl Management
Geese add tremendous amounts of nutrients and bacteria to the lake. Geese can defecate as many as 92 times a day. Just 50 geese can produce two and a half tons of excrement in a year. Every dropping contains nitrogen and phosphorus, the major contributors to accelerated weed growth in Paw Paw Lake.
DNR / Paw Paw Lake Lake Foundation Goose Round-Up
The Foundation working with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR), will conduct a “round-up” of the over population of geese on Paw Paw Lake. The permitted event is conducted in June by a contractor licensed by the state of Michigan. After the geese have been rounded up, they are relocated by the DNR.
Paw Paw Lake Catch Basin Clean-Out Pilot Project
Abstract of Report Prepared by the Spicer Group on May 17, 2022