Q & A
Why Support the SAD/SAPAC and the PPLF?
A special assessment district (SAD) was established by the boards of the Coloma and Watervliet Townships in 2011 to raise funds for the Paw Paw Lake Restoration Project. The Special Assessment Project Advisory Committee (SAPAC) oversees analyses of the issues. The revenue generated from the SAD tax each year is used to address the issues. The SAPAC’s primary focus is weed control. Because of the high nutrient level in the lake, weeds grow at an accelerated pace requiring a yearly sophisticated treatment program. In reality, there is no one simple “fix” to improve water quality. It requires a variety of large and small initiatives, each with an impact.
Has the 77-Acre Farm Been Purchased?
The purchase of the 77-acre farm contributing significant agricultural runoff to the lake is nearing completion.
The Foundation is currently raising funds to revegetate the property creating valleys, berms and ponds slowing, filtering, storing and recharging water instead of sending directly into the drain and into Paw Paw Lake.
The Foundation funding is totally reliant on donations. The PPLF is a 501 (c)(3) organization, so donations are tax deductible under IRS provisions. Help us improve the water quality of Paw Paw Lake. Please donate, if you can, here on our website or at PPLF, P.O. Box 341, Watervliet, MI 49098.
What has the PPLF been doing to reduce the nutrient level in the County drain?
The nutrient flow into the lake is caused by nutrient-rich sediment in the drain water. Reducing the sediment in the drain water results in less nutrient-rich sediment entering the lake. Two projects have recently been completed: a new sediment basin in the drain and a new sediment barrier on a large upstream farm property.
Have the PPLF drain projects been effective?
Impact of the PPLF initiatives are confirmed. As an example, on the sediment basin, we can test for the sediment level in the drain water before it enters the sediment basin and after it leaves the sediment basin. Our tests confirm that the sediment load in the drain water has been reduced, due to the effectiveness of the sediment basin.
On the sediment barrier that was recently installed, the goal is to stop a large sediment runoff from the farm property into the drain. Prior to the barrier construction, the runoff from the farm property added significant nutrient-rich sediment into the drain water. After the barrier construction, we observed the sediments in the drain water before it passed the farm property and after it passed the farm property. The good news was that the barrier worked. The sediment dump from the farm property had been significantly reduced.
Weather Conditions and Web Cam from Paw Paw Lake
Michigan Lakes and Stream Association
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